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Brewing Methods

Bai Hao Silver Needle Brewing Guide

02 Apr 2024 0 Comments
Brewing Silver Needle White Tea

Brewing Silver Needle White Tea: An Art of Delicacy

Gaiwan Brewing Method

  1. Preheat: Pour boiling water into the Gaiwan to preheat the Gaiwan and tea cups, then discard the water.
  2. Add Tea: Typically, add 3-5 grams of Silver Needle White Tea depending on the size of the Gaiwan.
  3. Brew: Slowly pour water at about 85°C along the edge of the bowl, avoiding direct contact with the tea leaves to prevent damaging them.
  4. Wait: For the first infusion, wait about 30 seconds, watching the tea leaves slowly unfold and release a light aroma.
  5. Enjoy: Gently lift the lid, savor the aroma, then pour the tea into cups to drink.

Considerations: Temperature control is crucial; water that is too hot can ruin the delicate taste of Silver Needle White Tea. Adjust the brewing time by observing the extent of leaf unfolding for the best taste.

Yixing Teapot Brewing Method

  1. Preheat: Use boiling water to preheat the Yixing teapot and tea cups.
  2. Add Tea: Add 3-5 grams of Silver Needle White Tea to the pot.
  3. Brew: Pour water at about 85°C into the pot, slowly along the pot's wall.
  4. Wait: The first infusion should last about 1 minute, allowing the tea to fully release its aroma and flavor.
  5. Enjoy: Slowly pour the tea out, savoring its unique, fresh taste.

Considerations: Yixing pots can retain warmth but might also hold onto the aroma. Consider the material’s impact on the tea's scent when choosing a pot. Suitable for multiple infusions, with each subsequent infusion slightly longer than the previous.

Cold Brew Method

  1. Prepare: Place 3-5 grams of Silver Needle White Tea in a clear glass bottle.
  2. Add Water: Fill with room temperature or refrigerated purified water.
  3. Refrigerate: Chill the tea in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours or overnight.
  4. Enjoy: Remove the cold-brew tea and enjoy the refreshing taste and aroma.

Considerations: Ideal for hot summer days, offering a unique cooling experience. While the brewing time is longer, this method can better preserve the original flavor and aroma of the tea leaves.


Different brewing methods can reveal various aspects of Silver Needle White Tea's flavor profile, from the gentle Gaiwan method to the earthy notes of a Yixing teapot, to the freshness of cold brewing. No matter the method, remember to enjoy the brewing process and the serene moments tea brings.

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