Brewing Methods

Bai Hao Silver Needle Brewing Guide


Brewing Silver Needle White Tea Brewing Silver Needle White Tea: An Art of Delicacy Gaiwan Brewing Method Preheat: Pour boiling water into the Gaiwan to preheat the Gaiwan and tea cups, then discard the water. Add Tea: Typically, add 3-5 grams of Silver Needle White Tea depending on the size of the Gaiwan. Brew:...

How should I brew Shou Mei?


Exploring Shou Mei and Gong Mei White Teas Among white teas, Shou Mei's appearance is the least appealing, resembling a pile of dried leaves with thick stems and large leaves. Yet, it accounts for more than half of the total white tea production. Its stems and leaves are excellent at storing nutrients, featuring a...